dengan langkah kaki yang gemetaran karena ketakutan, dengan cahaya lantern yang redup, dengan kekhawatiran bahwa sewaktu waktu minyak di lanternnya bisa habis, Pewdie menyusuri gua itu, hanya dengan di temani oleh lantern tentunya, dan beberapa perkataan Jennifer saat Pewdie akan memasuki gua.
Jennifer adalah fans setianya, jennifer selalu cerewet bila bertemu dengan Pewdie, dan pewdie juga cukup kesal dengan ocehan jennifer. Tapi, somehow, Pewdie tidak harus memikirkan Jennifer, sekarang yang dia pikirkan, adalah tentang surat yang dikirimkan seseorang padanya, surat yang menyuruhnya untuk memasuki gua ini. Akhirnya... setelah berpikir beberapa lama, dia memasuki gua itu.
"Run Pewdie, Run like a boss!!!"
Jennifer adalah fans setianya, jennifer selalu cerewet bila bertemu dengan Pewdie, dan pewdie juga cukup kesal dengan ocehan jennifer. Tapi, somehow, Pewdie tidak harus memikirkan Jennifer, sekarang yang dia pikirkan, adalah tentang surat yang dikirimkan seseorang padanya, surat yang menyuruhnya untuk memasuki gua ini. Akhirnya... setelah berpikir beberapa lama, dia memasuki gua itu.
"Run Pewdie, Run like a boss!!!"
"Huh? who is that? the sound come from nowhere!" seketika itu juga terdengar bunyi erangan... siapa lagi jika bukan dari the bro! dengan langkah terpincang pincang karena telah di cakar oleh bro sebelumnya, Pewdie segera berlari ke arah sebuah pintu kayu. "i don't trust this place for a second!" teriaknya sambil berlari. Namun, yah, the bro sudah mengejarnya dibelakang. Dia harus bersembunyi! Now or never! ia membuka pintu tersebut, dan bersembunyi di lemari pakaian yang kosong. Ya, namanya juga pewds, dia masih ingin tau tentang tingkah laku the bro, jadi dia sengaja membuka sedikit celah, dan ternyata.. the bro telah ada diruangan ini.. dia sedang, dia sedang berbicara dengan.. Barrel!! Ternyata dia berada di ruangan yang sama dengan barrel, tapi pewdie tidak mengetahuinya karena ruangan terlalu gelap! "oh snap!" "NIIIIIIIIIIIII!!" Teriakan pewdie terdengar sangat besar, tapi tak lebih besar dari tawaan barrel dan the bro yang telah berhasil mengalahkan. Pewdie yang kehabisan tenaga dan kesakitan karena di cakar oleh the bro pingsan di tempat.
Pewdie melihat sekelilingnya, matanya masih gelap karena belum beradaptasi dan kepalanya maih berat setelah kejadian yang tadi. Beberapa lama kemudian terlihat sosok yang dikenalinya. "Cry! Why i'm here? am i teleport?" Cry mulaui berbicara, "no, i bring you here, sorry i'm late, i'm sick today"... yah, itu menjelaskan kenapa suaranya serak somehow... Pewdie mulai bangkit, dia mengisi lanternnya dengan minyak dan menyalakan lanternnya, "lets go, we can't wasted our time, the bro will come!" kata pewdie dengan gagah, "ok" balas cry singkat, "and, can i borrom your blanket?" "No :p" balas cry, dengan singkat lagi, dan tentu saja lebih jleb.
Mereka berdua menyusuri jalanan yang creepy itu, sesekali, terlihatlah sosok the bro yang sepertinya mencari pewdie. Selama perjalanan, pewdie menyadari suatu yang aneh... tapi dia tak tau apa itu.... Akhirnya, dia sampai di pintu terakhir, setelah menyelusuri gue yang ternyata adalah sebuah ruang bawah tanah yang dipake sebagai ruang tahanan dengan the bro dan barrels di dalamnya, akhirnya pewdie bisa mengakhirinya. Pintu itu ditandai dengan huruf X. sama seperti yang diberitahukan di surat tersebut, Ada harta karun di pintu bertanda X... Perlahan lahan, dia membuka pintu tersebut, dan seketika...
"HAHAHA!! YOU TRAPPED PEWDIE!!!" Cry menutup pintu tersebut dan menyalakan lampu, terlihat bahwa ruangan itu luas sekali, Pewdie melihat sekeliling, dan ruangan itu dikelilingi oleh... BARRELS!! BARRELS EVERYWHERE!! Barrels mengelilingi ruangan itu, bukan hanya 1 atau 2 tapi ada ratusan barrel yang menatap pewdie! Pewdie menatap cry, "Why you dare Cry?! why?!" teriak pewdie, "Cause, i,m not cry!" Kemudian dia melepas topengnya dan terlihat sosok, Mary, dan itu menjelaskan kenapa cry tak memiliki suara sexy itu... "Mary?!! I know it! I fucking know it! I know i can't trust you for a second!" Senyum kemenangan terpancar di wajah marry, "oh well, you never trust me right? And, i bring you some surprise here! Barrels! let pewdie see" Lalu barrels barrels itu bergerak, memperlihatkan sesuatu yang mereka sembunyikan dibelakang tubuh mereka daritadi... "STEPHANO? GARRY? CRY? why you here?" tapi mereka tidak bisa menjawab karena mulut mereka telah disumpal dengan kain..
"You will pay for this!!" teriak pewdie sambil berpikir, "NO! YOU WILL PAY! YOU WILL PAY CAUSE YOU MAKE ME TRAPPED AGAIN IN THAT DAMN PICTURE!!" aha! rencana! Pewdie akhirnya mencoba mengalihkan pembicaraan agar dia bisa mengambil sesuatu di sakunya, ya, sesuatu yang bisa mengalahkan mary!! ",So, mary, you said you will make me pay? so, you want my money? or some tender bux?" "NO, I WANT YOUR SOUL" "THEN I WANT YOUR BODY!" teriak pewdie sambil mengangkat suatu benda dengan satu tangan "What is that?" tanya mary dengan pokerface karena pewdie telah berkata kata aneh itu ._. "BEEF JERKY you idiots :p" "and how you can defeat me with that?" "with this!" dia melempar beef jerky tersebut ke arah mary, seketika... "RAWR!!" demon dog menghampiri mary dan menggigitnya! "And that how i can defeat you" kata pewdie dengan muka sexynya dengan sedikit menggoda mary. "Oh yes, adios!" Pewdie melepaskan ikatan dari tubuh gary, stepaho dan cry, mereka pun segera lari sebelum demon dog menyadari kehadiran mereka.
with trembling footsteps, with a dim lantern light, at any time with concerns cause oil could be depleted his lantern, Pewdie down that cavec, just as in accompanied by his lantern of course, and a few words that Jennifer said when Pewdie will enter the cave.
Yeah, Jennifer is a loyal fan of pewduie, Jennifer always chatty when he met Pewdie, and also Jennifer chatter annoyed pewdie . But, somehow, Pewdie not have to think Jennifer, now he must thinks, about a letter someone sent to him, a letter telling her to enter the cave. Finally ... after thinking for a while, he enter the cave.
"Run Pewdie, Run like a boss!"
"Huh? Who is that? The sound come from nowhere!" and he hear a groan ... Who else can groam like that except the bro! with limp limping step because his body has been claws by the bro before, Pewdie immediately ran to a wooden door. "I don't trust this place for a second!" he shouted as he ran. But, yeah, the bro was chasing behind. He had to hide! Now or never! he opened the door, and hid in an empty closet. Yes, his name not pewdie if he didn't want to know about the behavior of the bro, so he accidentally opened a little gap, and it turns out .. the bro has existed in this room .. he was, he was talking to .. Barrels!! he was in the same room with the barrel, but pewdie don't know that because the room is too dark! "Oh snap!" "NIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Pewdie screams sound very big, but no bigger than barrels laugh and the bro who have overcome. Pewdie were exhausted and in pain because the claws by the bro.
Pewdie looked around, his eyes still dark because it has not adapted and head till heavy after the earlier incident. Later he looks familiar figure. "Cry! Why I'm here? Am i teleport?" Cry start speaking, "no, i bring you here, sorry I'm late, I'm sick today" ... Well, that explains why his voice was hoarse somehow ... Pewdie began to rise, he was filled with oil and lit his lantern, "lets go, we can't wasted our time, the bro will come!" pewdie said proudly, "ok" cry reply, briefly "and, can i borrom your blanket?" "No: p" cry replied , briefly again, and of course more eerrr.. deep?.
They both walked in that creepy cave , occasionally, it seem bro still looking for pewdie. During the trip, pewdie noticed something strange ... but he didn't know what that is .... Finally, they reached the last door, after I scour the turns is a basement used as the detention room with the bro and barrels in it, finally pewdie can end this. The door was marked with the letter X. same as notified in the letter, There is a treasure in the door marked X. .. Slowly, he opened the door, and immediately ...
"HAHAHA! YOU TRAPPED PEWDIE!" Cry shut the door and turned on the light, it seems that the room was vast, Pewdie looked around, and the room was surrounded by ... Barrels!! Barrels EVERYWHERE! Barrels around the room, not just 1 or 2 but there are hundreds of barrels that looked pewdie! Pewdie looked cry, "Why you dare Cry?! Why?" pewdie shouted, "Cause, i'm not cry!" Then he took off his mask and visible figure, Mary, and it explains why the cry did not have that sexy voice ... "Mary?!! I know it! I fucking know it! I know i can't trust you for a second!" With winning smile on mary faces, she said "oh well, you never trust me right? And, i bring you some surprise here! Barrels! Let pewdie see" Then barrels moved, reveal something that they hide behind their bodies ... "STEPHANO? GARRY? CRY? Why you here?" but they could not answer because their mouth was gagged with a cloth ..
"You will pay for this!" pewdie cried, but still thinking the way to out "NO! YOU WILL PAY! YOU WILL PAY CAUSE YOU MAKE ME TRAPPED AGAIN IN THAT DAMN PICTURE!" aha! got plans! Pewdie finally trying to change the communication subject so that he can take something in his pocket, yeah, something that can beat mary!! "So, mary, you said you will make me pay? So, you want my money? Or about tender box?" "NO, I WANT YOUR SOUL" "THEN I WANT YOUR BODY!" pewdie shouted, lifting an object with one hand "What is that?" mary asked by pokerface because pewdie has said the strange word. _. "Beef Jerky you idiots: p" "and how you can baet me with that?" "Watch this!" he throws beef jerky it to the mary, instantly ... "RAWR!" mary demon dog came and bit him! "And that how i can beat you" said pewdie with his sexy face to mary. "Oh yes, adios!" Pewdie untied the rope from the body of gary, stepaho and cry, they soon fled before the demon dog noticed them.
Mereka berdua menyusuri jalanan yang creepy itu, sesekali, terlihatlah sosok the bro yang sepertinya mencari pewdie. Selama perjalanan, pewdie menyadari suatu yang aneh... tapi dia tak tau apa itu.... Akhirnya, dia sampai di pintu terakhir, setelah menyelusuri gue yang ternyata adalah sebuah ruang bawah tanah yang dipake sebagai ruang tahanan dengan the bro dan barrels di dalamnya, akhirnya pewdie bisa mengakhirinya. Pintu itu ditandai dengan huruf X. sama seperti yang diberitahukan di surat tersebut, Ada harta karun di pintu bertanda X... Perlahan lahan, dia membuka pintu tersebut, dan seketika...
"HAHAHA!! YOU TRAPPED PEWDIE!!!" Cry menutup pintu tersebut dan menyalakan lampu, terlihat bahwa ruangan itu luas sekali, Pewdie melihat sekeliling, dan ruangan itu dikelilingi oleh... BARRELS!! BARRELS EVERYWHERE!! Barrels mengelilingi ruangan itu, bukan hanya 1 atau 2 tapi ada ratusan barrel yang menatap pewdie! Pewdie menatap cry, "Why you dare Cry?! why?!" teriak pewdie, "Cause, i,m not cry!" Kemudian dia melepas topengnya dan terlihat sosok, Mary, dan itu menjelaskan kenapa cry tak memiliki suara sexy itu... "Mary?!! I know it! I fucking know it! I know i can't trust you for a second!" Senyum kemenangan terpancar di wajah marry, "oh well, you never trust me right? And, i bring you some surprise here! Barrels! let pewdie see" Lalu barrels barrels itu bergerak, memperlihatkan sesuatu yang mereka sembunyikan dibelakang tubuh mereka daritadi... "STEPHANO? GARRY? CRY? why you here?" tapi mereka tidak bisa menjawab karena mulut mereka telah disumpal dengan kain..
"You will pay for this!!" teriak pewdie sambil berpikir, "NO! YOU WILL PAY! YOU WILL PAY CAUSE YOU MAKE ME TRAPPED AGAIN IN THAT DAMN PICTURE!!" aha! rencana! Pewdie akhirnya mencoba mengalihkan pembicaraan agar dia bisa mengambil sesuatu di sakunya, ya, sesuatu yang bisa mengalahkan mary!! ",So, mary, you said you will make me pay? so, you want my money? or some tender bux?" "NO, I WANT YOUR SOUL" "THEN I WANT YOUR BODY!" teriak pewdie sambil mengangkat suatu benda dengan satu tangan "What is that?" tanya mary dengan pokerface karena pewdie telah berkata kata aneh itu ._. "BEEF JERKY you idiots :p" "and how you can defeat me with that?" "with this!" dia melempar beef jerky tersebut ke arah mary, seketika... "RAWR!!" demon dog menghampiri mary dan menggigitnya! "And that how i can defeat you" kata pewdie dengan muka sexynya dengan sedikit menggoda mary. "Oh yes, adios!" Pewdie melepaskan ikatan dari tubuh gary, stepaho dan cry, mereka pun segera lari sebelum demon dog menyadari kehadiran mereka.
with trembling footsteps, with a dim lantern light, at any time with concerns cause oil could be depleted his lantern, Pewdie down that cavec, just as in accompanied by his lantern of course, and a few words that Jennifer said when Pewdie will enter the cave.
Yeah, Jennifer is a loyal fan of pewduie, Jennifer always chatty when he met Pewdie, and also Jennifer chatter annoyed pewdie . But, somehow, Pewdie not have to think Jennifer, now he must thinks, about a letter someone sent to him, a letter telling her to enter the cave. Finally ... after thinking for a while, he enter the cave.
"Run Pewdie, Run like a boss!"
"Huh? Who is that? The sound come from nowhere!" and he hear a groan ... Who else can groam like that except the bro! with limp limping step because his body has been claws by the bro before, Pewdie immediately ran to a wooden door. "I don't trust this place for a second!" he shouted as he ran. But, yeah, the bro was chasing behind. He had to hide! Now or never! he opened the door, and hid in an empty closet. Yes, his name not pewdie if he didn't want to know about the behavior of the bro, so he accidentally opened a little gap, and it turns out .. the bro has existed in this room .. he was, he was talking to .. Barrels!! he was in the same room with the barrel, but pewdie don't know that because the room is too dark! "Oh snap!" "NIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Pewdie screams sound very big, but no bigger than barrels laugh and the bro who have overcome. Pewdie were exhausted and in pain because the claws by the bro.
Pewdie looked around, his eyes still dark because it has not adapted and head till heavy after the earlier incident. Later he looks familiar figure. "Cry! Why I'm here? Am i teleport?" Cry start speaking, "no, i bring you here, sorry I'm late, I'm sick today" ... Well, that explains why his voice was hoarse somehow ... Pewdie began to rise, he was filled with oil and lit his lantern, "lets go, we can't wasted our time, the bro will come!" pewdie said proudly, "ok" cry reply, briefly "and, can i borrom your blanket?" "No: p" cry replied , briefly again, and of course more eerrr.. deep?.
They both walked in that creepy cave , occasionally, it seem bro still looking for pewdie. During the trip, pewdie noticed something strange ... but he didn't know what that is .... Finally, they reached the last door, after I scour the turns is a basement used as the detention room with the bro and barrels in it, finally pewdie can end this. The door was marked with the letter X. same as notified in the letter, There is a treasure in the door marked X. .. Slowly, he opened the door, and immediately ...
"HAHAHA! YOU TRAPPED PEWDIE!" Cry shut the door and turned on the light, it seems that the room was vast, Pewdie looked around, and the room was surrounded by ... Barrels!! Barrels EVERYWHERE! Barrels around the room, not just 1 or 2 but there are hundreds of barrels that looked pewdie! Pewdie looked cry, "Why you dare Cry?! Why?" pewdie shouted, "Cause, i'm not cry!" Then he took off his mask and visible figure, Mary, and it explains why the cry did not have that sexy voice ... "Mary?!! I know it! I fucking know it! I know i can't trust you for a second!" With winning smile on mary faces, she said "oh well, you never trust me right? And, i bring you some surprise here! Barrels! Let pewdie see" Then barrels moved, reveal something that they hide behind their bodies ... "STEPHANO? GARRY? CRY? Why you here?" but they could not answer because their mouth was gagged with a cloth ..
"You will pay for this!" pewdie cried, but still thinking the way to out "NO! YOU WILL PAY! YOU WILL PAY CAUSE YOU MAKE ME TRAPPED AGAIN IN THAT DAMN PICTURE!" aha! got plans! Pewdie finally trying to change the communication subject so that he can take something in his pocket, yeah, something that can beat mary!! "So, mary, you said you will make me pay? So, you want my money? Or about tender box?" "NO, I WANT YOUR SOUL" "THEN I WANT YOUR BODY!" pewdie shouted, lifting an object with one hand "What is that?" mary asked by pokerface because pewdie has said the strange word. _. "Beef Jerky you idiots: p" "and how you can baet me with that?" "Watch this!" he throws beef jerky it to the mary, instantly ... "RAWR!" mary demon dog came and bit him! "And that how i can beat you" said pewdie with his sexy face to mary. "Oh yes, adios!" Pewdie untied the rope from the body of gary, stepaho and cry, they soon fled before the demon dog noticed them.
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