
Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

(In progress) Pewdiepie Fanfiction: Saving Stephano, The Last Thing I Do | Shattered Stories

Before you leave this page, you might want to read the english version of this fanfiction, if you want, you can read that, below this indonesian version of fanfiction... Enjoy

"No! Stephano!!" Teriak pewdie dengan suara parau, saat itu pewdie harus meninggalkan stephano agar dia bisa menyelamatkan dirinya, dan jujur dia sangat menyesal, selama ini, stephano telah menyelamatkan hidupnya dari barrels barrels dan bro itu, tapi sekarang tak ada waktu utuk menyesal, dia harus tetap melaju.

Di hutan yang gelap itu, pewdie terus melangkah, mencoba tetap tegar walaupun sekarang dia sendirian... Dia tak bisa menyerah! tidak boleh! dia harus menyelamatkan stephano sampai akhir hayatnya. Memang dia ketakutan, tapi rasa takut itu tak boleh membuatnya mundur dari perang ini. "oh snap!" senter yang dia bawa mulai kehabisan baterai, sama seperti dirinya yang kehabisan ide untuk memenangkan ini. tapi hal itu tetap tidak membuatnya menyerah.

Beberapa jam sebelumnya...

Pewdie melihat kertas kertas itu, kertas kertas yang ditempelkan di berbagai tempat disekitar hutan itu... Pewdie tidak mengerti untuk apa dan untuk siapa gambar tersebut, tapi dia yakin, kertas kertas itu akan membantunya menyelesaikan ini. Berjalan dan berjalan... Setelah beberapa lama dia sampai di sebuah rumah, seperti villa, tapi itu tak wajar untuk berada ditengah hutan seperti ini, sangat tidak wajar...

Pewdie masuk, dia melihat sekeliling dan kemudian masuk ke kamar -kamar yang ada di situ. Dan ternyata rumah tersebut lebih tampak seperti labirin dari dalam, terlalu banyak ruangan yang mirip dan terlalu banyak perempatan.. tentu saja itu membuatnya lebih sulit "I don't trust this place for a second" pewdie menjadi lebih fokus, dia mencari detail-detail tentang rumah tersebut.

"Crack!" terdengar suara seperti suara benturan, tidak terlalu jauh tapi juga tidak terlalu dekat dengannya, pewdie mencari asal suaranya... ternyata itu stephano! dia sedang menendang barrels! ternyata dia sedang mengintrogasi barrel itu. "Stephano?" "I Lost Pewdie", ungkap stephano, "This place is danger, we gotta out of here" jelas stephano dengan gagah. "Umm There is some monster in here, don't look to his eye, or he will kill you" "Uhh what?" "You Stupid!!"

Mereka berdua berjalan, terus berjalan mencari jalan keluar, dengan ditemani stephano, yang memiliki "sense of direction" yang kuat, labirin itu bukan masalah lagi.

terdengar langkah kaki, Stephano berbalik kebelakang dan asdfghg stephano kehilangan suaranya, kepalanya terasa berat, dengan sekuat tenaga dia berteriak "RUN PEWDIE!!!! GET OUT NOW!!!" Pewdie yang kaget karena teriakan stephano langsung berlari, dia menyadari ada suara aneh ketika dia berlari, seperti suara tv yang rusak? yah, mungkin seperti itu...

Pewdie lelah berlari! dia harus menyelamatkan stephano.. Jadi dia kembali ke rumah itu "Hello? everybody here?" dia mengambil beberapa langkah ke dalam, BLAM! Pintu tertutup sendiri... klasik.. pewdie memang penakut, dan err ceroboh, tapi dia tak takut, karena dia mnasih ahli dalam puzzle puzzle di game amnesia itu... dan mungkin ia akan melakukannya lagi disini... mungkin...

Dia berjalan, saking takutnya dia menutup mata, tak berani membuka matanya sedikit pun... "Hello" sapa suara yang tidak dikenalnya? "who is there? who are you?" "I am Slenderman" "What you want from me? why can't we be friend?" tanya pewdie dengan gugup "CAUSE YOU STOLE MY CHILD'S DRAWING" dengan nada berapi api, dari slendy kepada pewdie. "huh? what? that is what you want? this page?" pewdie bertanya dengan muka bingung. "yes, if you give that to me, i will not kill you and you can go home" "but what about stephano? i come here to save him" "pff, he in storage, he is sleeping" slender memberi tahu sambil pergi, entah kemana,

Ekspersi Pewdie --> O_o

''Pewdie, what take you so long?'' tanya stephano dengan nada agak keras kepada pewdie, "Jezz, i have to fun this key to this storage" "oh well we just need to get out of here already" "ok"

English Version -->

"No! Stephano!" Pewdie shouted hoarsely, then pewdie had to leStephano had to leave so he could save himself, and to be honest she was so sorry, so far, Stephano had saved his life from the barrels and barrels bro, but now there's no time utuk sorry, he should have run through .

In that dark forest, pewdie kept going, trying to stay strong even though now he's alone ... He can't give up! no way! he had to save Stephano until the end. Indeed he was scared, but fear it may not make it back from this war. "Oh snap!" flashlight he was carrying began to run out of batteries, just like he out of ideas for this win. but it still does not make it up.

A few hours earlier ...

Pewdie see the that paper, that paper are placed in various places around the forest ... Pewdie not understand for what and for whom the picture, but he was sure, the paper would help him finish it. Walking and walking ... After a while he came to a home, such as villa, but it's not fair to be in the middle of the forrest like this, it's weird ...

Pewdie enter that house, he looks around and then go into the rooms there. And it turns out the house looks more like a maze from the inside, too many rooms and too much like a crossroad .. of course it makes it more difficult "I do not trust this place for a second" pewdie become more focused, he sought details about the house.

"Crack!" sound like a thud, not too far but not too close to him, looking for the origin of his voice pewdie ... it turns out that Stephano! he was kicking barrels! turns out he was being interrogated barrel. "Stephano?" "I Lost Pewdie," Stephano said, "This place is danger, we gotta out of here" said the gallant Stephano. "Umm There is some monsters in here, do not look to his eye, or he will kill you" "Uhh what?" "You Stupid!"

They are both walking, keep walking looking for a way out, accompanied Stephano, who has a strong "sense of direction", the labyrinth is not a problem anymore.

footsteps, Stephano turned around backward and asdfghg Stephano lost his voice, his head felt heavy, with a vengeance she yelled "RUN PEWDIE!!!! GET OUT NOW!" Pewdie a surprise because Stephano screams and ran, he noticed a strange noise when he ran, like a broken tv? Well, maybe like that ...

Pewdie tired of running! he had to save Stephano .. So he returned to the house was "Hello? Everybody here?" He took a few steps inside, blam! The door closed itself ... classic .. pewdie was timid, and err sloppy, but he was not afraid, because he mnasih expert puzzle game puzzle in amnesia it ... and maybe he will do it again here ... maybe ...

He walked, with fear he closed his eyes, not daring to open his eyes a little too ... "Hello" said a voice she didn't recognize? "Who is there? Who are you?" "I am Slenderman" "What you want from me? Why can't we be friend?" pewdie asked nervously "CAUSE YOU STOLE MY CHILD'S DRAWING" a tone of fiery flame, from slendy to pewdie. "Huh? What? That is what you want? This page?" pewdie asked puzzled face. "Yes, if you give that to me, i will not kill you and you can go home" "but what about Stephano? I come here to save him" "pff, he in storage, he is sleeping" slender told her to go , some where,

Pewdie -> O_o

'' Pewdie, what take you so long?'' Asks Stephano in a rather hard to pewdie, "Jezz, i have to fun this key to this storage" "oh well we just need to get out of here already!" "Ok"

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